North Island

Alliott NZ Ltd., Auckland
Greg Millar, Director
``Audit Shield provides our practice with another value-add service giving our clients further peace-of-mind.Accountancy Insurance provides excellent assistance implementing the product; they made the process very easy and cost effective for us. The client take up rate has been positive and we are very pleased to recommend this service to other practices.``

Battley & Johnson, Auckland
Colin Powell, Partner
``Audit Shield has benefited our firm by providing an additional level of service to our valued clients that was previously unavailable. We also found that it was a good opportunity to educate them about the worth of having audit insurance in place in the event of an IRD audit; some clients were not actually aware that this type of insurance existed and was available to them. They’ve certainly listened, as the client take-up rate for the Audit Shield service has more than met with our initial expectations. We would advise other firms to seriously consider implementing Audit Shield by contacting Accountancy Insurance today.``

Martin Davidson & Associates, Karaka
Martin Thomas, Director (and ATAINZ Treasurer)
``We are always looking for ways to increase our client service offering and Audit Shield fulfilled that and more. We saw Audit Shield as a win-win for us and for our clients. We felt that the offering effectively helped to alleviate the financial stress for our clients that is often associated with IR reviews and audits.
Setting up Audit Shield was simple and the Accountancy Insurance team supported us at every step. The online portal is a great tool that is very user friendly and when we needed to make a claim, our Account Manager guided us through the whole process.
Implementing Audit Shield was a smart business choice for us and we encourage any accounting firm considering Audit Shield to implement it too.``
Coastal Accounting Ltd
Tracy Pilbrow, Practice Manager
``Due to the potential to save our clients’ money, the decision to implement Audit Shield was an easy one. We are always looking for ways to provide our clients with cost-effective services, and we are proud to let them know that our professional services are covered if needed.
The Audit Shield implementation process was very easy, with CSV import of our clients making onboarding fast. We have always had great experiences with the Claims process of Audit Shield, they are very thorough and understanding of the time delays that often occur when dealing with IRD. Payout is quick and very well communicated.``

Colbert Cooper Ltd, Levin
Justine Street, Director
``Before Audit Shield we struggled to invoice for the actual time spent involved with an IR review or audit. Since implementing Audit Shield four years ago, we can accurately invoice clients for the entire time it takes to resolve these matters. The claims process is very easy and when we experienced an audit over a lengthy period, we have been able to make an interim claim. It is definitely worth offering Audit Shield as it provides clients with peace of mind. It also provides passive income for our firm and is an additional way to connect with our clients.``
Diprose Miller Ltd
Darren Diprose, Director
``Opting for Audit Shield was a natural choice for us, given our substantial client base of over 6,000 tax returns, often attracting attention from the IRD. Common enquiries about Audit Shield revolve around its suitability, but our experience has shown the process to be seamless and straightforward. Our interaction with Accountancy Insurance during claims has been trouble-free.``

Eden Palmer Prewett Limited, Auckland
Greg Eden, Director
``Our first interaction with our Account Manager was very positive. He made it very engaging and easy to implement Audit Shield. It is an excellent product which takes away the stress from our perspective and it really does give peace of mind to our clients. Three words I would use to describe Audit Shield would be; simple, accessible and efficient.``

Forward Accounting NZ Ltd, Te Awanga
Tania Garbes, Director
``Audit Shield has provided a valuable service to both our clients and to our practice. As well as giving us an additional reason to engage with our client-base, the service demonstrates that we are constantly exploring new ways to improve on our clients’ customer experience. The client take-up rate far exceeded our initial expectations and we were pleasantly surprised. Clearly, the product is meeting a need out there in the marketplace and we discovered that many clients were concerned about the risk of an IRD audit. However, with Audit Shield in place, they now feel protected. Our clients actually congratulated us on our proactive response to their concerns! The whole experience with Accountancy Insurance (AI) is ‘pain free’! The AI team makes sure everything is set up and takes care of the administration process, like sending out the letters. If you are considering implementing Audit Shield - just do it. Whatever fears you clients have regarding the risk of an IRD audit will be calmed immediately and they will thank you!``

Gener8 Solutions LP, Te Awamutu
``It appears that the IRD strikes at the very heart of people’s fears, as our client take-up rate of Audit Shield has far exceeded our initial expectations! Although a few clients needed further explanation, most seemed to accept the straight-forward nature of the policy and we didn’t need to push the product at all. Unlike other insurance policies, Audit Shield is very user-friendly and easy to implement. Accountancy Insurance handles the production and mailing of invoices and letters; our time has been minimal in relation to the perceived value to our clients. Audit Shield is a great additional service alongside our current services and we were proud to adopt this innovative product, previously unseen in New Zealand, in its early stages. Our advice to other firms is make Audit Shield available to your clients today!``

Generate Accounting Group Ltd, Auckland
Angus Ogilvie, Managing Director
“I always recommend Accountancy Insurance to my clients. To me it's a bit of a no-brainer. If any of them are ever subject to an Inland Revenue audit, my fees are covered. We help taxpayers with IR audits. These can be quite thorough and very time consuming to work through. At a stressful time, at least they won't be getting a bill for my time to add to any tax shortfall.”

Glendinnings Chartered Accountants, Palmerston North
Hugh Glendinning, Partner
``Having Audit Shield certainly paid off for the client of ours who recently experienced audit activity. We needed to submit a claim on their behalf and it was hassle-free. It was a very positive outcome for both the taxpayer and our accounting firm. Basically a big tick all around.``

James Bell Accounting Ltd, Auckland
Jim Bell, Director
``Audit Shield has been of great benefit to our practice as a premium value-add service that has proved popular with our clients. The product has met our expected client take-up rates and the feedback has been positive; our clients have appreciated our taking this initiative. The true value of the Audit Shield service from our company’s point of view is that it’s taken the worry out of losing fees, as a consequence of an IRD audit. The true value of the Audit Shield service from our client’s point of view is that it’s taken the worry out of paying our fees as a consequence of an IRD audit. We can confidently recommend Audit Shield to other accounting firms as a great way of properly protecting both your firm and your valued clients.``

Kennedy Financial Services, Upper Hutt
Sue Kennedy, Director
``Adopting the Audit Shield coverage has been extremely worthwhile, as a quality value-add service for our practice. Audit Shield can be offered to clients at a very low cost to the accountant offering both accountant and client reassurance at times when the IRD comes knocking. The take up rate more than exceeded our expectations and has generated a number of discussions with our clients about IRD audit activity and what risk factors there are in relation to this new environment. As well as being good for my cash flow, Audit Shield provides a 'certainty' about being paid for potentially costly work being done to meet IRD requirements for risk assessment and/or audits. The Claims process atAccountancy Insurance is effortless and we know we always have our dedicated Account Manager at hand whenever needed.``

Laurenson Chartered Accountants, Wellington
Brad Harpur, Business Manager
``Each team member in our business sees value in Audit Shield and remarks on the ease of administering the offering. Our Directors acknowledge the excellent coverage for our business and clients; I find the customer service provided by Accountancy Insurance is friendly and efficient; and our Administration team find the portal is an easy tool to facilitate payments and transactions.``

Lockhart O'Shea Ltd, Auckland
Richard Lockhart, Director
``Accountancy Insurance has a very good product. We always advocate to all our clients to consider taking up the offering as unfortunately it is a sign of the times. There are more and more audits coming from the IR, and as businesses grow they are more likely to be receiving a routine audit letter.``

Moore & de Lisle, Wellington
Jenny de Lisle, Principal
``What we like most about Audit Shield is that it is easy and takes very little of our time to implement. It is comforting to know that when an Inland Revenue letter is received the cost is covered and as we have made two claims recently, which were both approved and paid incredibly quick, we know that this is so valuable for our business and our clients.``

Navin Hira & Co Ltd, Accountants & Tax Consultants, Ellerslie, Auckland
Navin C Hira, Director
``The benefits of Audit Shield is that it is a great product, and we receive a small income stream. The implementation process, claims and service are all seamless and efficient. Unlike other insurance policies, Audit Shield works in arrears – how good is that!``

Paul Martin, Director, Paul Martin Chartered Accountant Ltd, Auckland
``If you’re thinking of taking up Audit Shield – just do it! I believe offering the Audit Shield service has actually helped cement the relationship I have with my clients. It is a mutually beneficial arrangement; my clients recognise that offering Audit Shield is a proactive approach giving them additional security throughout the taxation process and I know my time is covered if there is any IRD audit activity. The client take up rate exceeded my expectations and the web portal is a fantastic feature. The team atAccountancy Insurance does everything possible to make the service as effortless and efficient as possible.``

R CM C Ltd, Auckland
Raymond Chan, Partner
``We pride ourselves on providing the best up-to-date protection for our clients;Audit Shield fits in with our criteria perfectly. In this tougher climate, Audit Shield has given us peace-of-mind coverage for unexpected accounting fees arising from IRD tax audit enquiries. If you haven't got Audit Shield in place already, our advice is go ahead and do so ASAP!``

Rise Accountants, Auckland
Bill Mancer, Director
``Offering Audit Shield, as an additional value-add service, actually educated our clients about the risks involved with filing inaccurate tax returns. Typical feedback from our clients has been that the Audit Shield coverage is a positive response to a tougher auditing climate and gives further peace-of-mind. Certainly, for our practice, we really value knowing that our fees will be covered in the event of an audit and there won’t be any lost or unpaid hours. We recommend Accountancy Insurance’s Audit Shield to any progressive accounting firm.``

Thecla Johnstone & Associates Ltd, Auckland
Thecla Johnstone, Director
``The whole process with Accountancy Insurance is straightforward and we were happy with the result of our claim. Audit Shield works well for us as an add-on product and we expect it will be beneficial for other accounting firms too.``

PKF Withers Tsang & Co, Auckland
Stephen Tsang, Director
``Audit Shield is reassurance that our fees will be recovered in the event that Inland Revenue audits our clients. Our clients perceive us as being more proactive – having their best interests at heart – by providing this service so I cannot see why any accountant would not want to take out Audit Shield. It also offers another ‘touch point’ to communicate to our clients. We use the opportunity to remind clients or showcase to them what the firm can do for them.``
South Island

Accountancy at Altitude, Wanaka
Jackie Redai, Creative Director
``Making claims in regards to Audit Shield is easy, and they are actioned so quickly. The team at Accountancy Insurance respond to our enquiries immediately and to sweeten the experience they even provided cake at our meeting!``

BizFitness Limited, Nelson
Stewart Wehner, Director
``We constantly hear that Inland Revenue audits will increase. Now we are actually seeing for ourselves this increased activity. Audit Shield provides peace of mind and protects our clients so this activity does not worry us. We have made a claim and it was so easy to do. One of our clients paid a premium of $255 and has already claimed approximately $4,000! This is just one client of many who has benefited from the Audit Shield service we provide.``

Findex NZ Limited, New Zealand
Scott Mason, Managing Principal of Taxation Consulting
``We were the first firm to introduce Audit Shield in New Zealand, and we believe it demonstrates to our clients that we are always on the lookout for new ways to continue to provide them with great service. Expect Audit Shield to be a good thing for your clients, as opposed to viewing it as a revenue stream, and all will be good.``

Malloch McClean Ltd, Invercargill
Campbell Hay, Director
``At Malloch McClean, we are all about creating smarter, better businesses and adopting Audit Shield has definitely been a smarter, better move for our business as well as our clients. Audit Shield, has not only protected our clients from the unexpected but gives us peace-of-mind knowing we have additional certainty throughout our compliance based services.``

PKF Dunedin Limited, Dunedin
Jono Bredin, Head of Tax
``Audit Shield has been a terrific ``value add`` service to offer our clients. It has also been a strong selling point for new clients. From an internal point of view, it gives us peace of mind to know that our larger clients have this coverage in place in the event of a review or audit. The client take up rate met with all our expectations and we think it's fantastic that Accountancy Insurance does all the work for us! Our clients agree that Audit Shield is a great product and we are actually congratulated on our proactive approach for dealing with the growing level of IRD audit activity. Don't think twice about offering Audit Shield to your clients!``

SBA Burnside and Papanui
Vas Khrapov, Practice Manager
``We decided to implement Audit Shield to offer our clients the option to mitigate the associated unforeseen costs during IRD reviews. The most common question I receive from clients regarding Audit Shield is “What is it?” or “Do I need it?” With IRD focusing a lot on GST reviews, amongst other areas, proactive measures like offering Audit Shield to our clients is a vital safeguard in our view. The implementation process was simple, thanks to the support of the Accountancy Insurance team. We also have found the claim process to be straight forward and fast.``